Avoidance of Vegetation Disturbance
The Project Proponent will minimize the amount of soil, terrestrial vegetation, emergent vegetation, and submerged vegetation (e.g., eelgrass and kelp in marine areas, or submerged aquatic vegetation in freshwater areas) disturbed during project construction and completion by using methods creating the least disturbance to vegetation. Disturbance to existing grades and native vegetation, the number of access routes, the size of staging areas, and the total area disturbed by the project will be limited to the extent of all temporary and permanent impacts, as defined by the final project design. All roads, staging areas, and other facilities will be placed to avoid and limit disturbance to aquatic habitat suitable for Covered Species (e.g., streambank or stream channel, and riparian habitat). Existing ingress or egress points will be used and/or work will be performed either from the top of the banks, from barges on the waterside of the stream or levee bank, or from dry gravel beds. Existing native vegetation will be retained as practicable, emphasizing the retention of shade-producing and bank-stabilizing trees and brush with greater than 6-inch-diameter branches or trunks. Vegetation disturbance and soil compaction will be minimized by using low-ground-pressure equipment that has a greater reach than or exerts less pressure per square inch on the ground than other equipment.