State Water Board SRGO Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) – Species Protection Measures

What this CEQA compliance pathway covers
A more cost-effective and efficient compliance method to meet California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for restoration by utilizing the analyses completed and information contained in the Statewide Restoration General Order (SRGO) PEIR, and if needed, by doing only supplemental analyses for impacts that are not covered by the PEIR. Actions or supplemental analyses may be prepared, such as completing a memo to file/ findings, addendum, or supplemental EIR.
To utilize the CEQA document, follow the steps as described below and as outlined in Figure ES-2 Restoration Projects Statewide Order CEQA Process Flow Chart on page ES-4 of the Executive Summary.
NOTE: This web tool does NOT include Mitigation Measures from Appendix J. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Review those mitigation measures for applicability to your project, in addition to using this web tool for general protection measures and species protection measures.
How to use this tool for the SRGO PEIR
- Use the questions below to filter the list of measures from Attachment F. Species Protection Measures based on the attributes of your project.
- Once downloaded, closely review the list generated to ensure the measures are appropriate to your project-specific conditions.
- Include 1) applicable SPMs, 2) applicable General Protection Measures from the SRGO, and 3) Mitigation Measures from Appendix J. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, with the Notice of Intent (NOI) submittal and in the memo to file/ findings, addendum, or supplemental EIR for the project.