Central Coast NMFS PBO

What this permitting pathway covers
The Central Coast NMFS Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) provides coverage under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for NMFS species for projects in the Central Coast region. Using this pathway is a faster and lower-cost process than writing an individual biological assessment and receiving a separate biological opinion for your project.
Restoration Consistency Determination
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) may issue Restoration Consistency Determinations from this PBO for species listed under the California Endangered Species Act, providing another permitting efficiency. Contact CDFW at restorationpermitting@wildlife.ca.gov about eligibility.
How to use this tool for the Central Coast NMFS PBO
- Use the questions below to filter the list of protection measures from the PBO based on the attributes of your project.
- Once downloaded, closely review the list generated to ensure the measures are appropriate to your project-specific conditions.
- Contact Joe Pecharich, Marine Habitat Resource Specialist at the NOAA Restoration Center in Santa Rosa, CA at joe.pecharich@noaa.gov to discuss your project and applicable protection measures. Specific measures may be altered, added, or removed on an individual project basis with the approval of the NOAA RC and Corps, in coordination with NMFS WCR CCO.
- Include your protection measures (also called “minimization and avoidance measures”) in your application form.