Prior to Dewatering

Prior to dewatering, the best means to bypass flow through the work area shall be determined to minimize disturbance to the channel and avoid direct mortality of fish and other aquatic vertebrates. Project site dewatering shall be coordinated with a qualified biologist, who will perform fish and amphibian relocation activities. The qualified biologist(s) must be familiar with the life history and identification of listed salmonids and listed amphibians within the action area. The qualified biologist shall submit qualifications to the NOAA RC for approval prior to fish relocation activities. Prior to dewatering a construction site, the qualified biologist shall capture and relocate fish and amphibians to avoid direct mortality and minimize adverse effects. Plastic/rubber material shall be placed over sandbags used for construction of cofferdams to minimize water seepage into the work area. Coffer dams and stream diversion systems shall remain in place and fully functional throughout the construction period. When coffer dams with bypass pipes are installed, debris racks will be placed at the bypass pipe inlet. Bypass pipes will be monitored a minimum of two times per day, seven days a week. All accumulated debris shall be removed.