Work Windows

For projects where the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, mountain yellow-legged frog, and foothill yellow-legged frog are known or assumed to occur, project activities in uplands areas will be confined to August 1 through October 31.* Not to exceed the self-imposed take limits in Tables 4 and 5.

For project activities in occupied aquatic breeding habitat that typically dries before the end of autumn, grading and other disturbance will be confined to May 1 through November 15, and to when the breeding habitat feature (or portion of the feature where work would occur) has been dry for a minimum of 30 days before initiating work.

These frogs have a multi-year larval development stage and are present in aquatic breeding habitat year-round. Therefore, project activities in occupied aquatic breeding habitat that does not dry before the end of autumn will be confined to May 1 through November 15 and will require a USFWS-Approved capture and relocation plan (see AMP-11, Species Observations and Handling Protocol) prior to initiating grading and other disturbance in the aquatic breeding habitat. Dewatering sites will be located and timed to avoid and minimize adverse effects to instream flows and depletion of pool habitat.

* Extended or alternative work windows may be considered on an individual project basis with prior approval from USFWS ES, provided the Project Proponent can demonstrate that measures implemented to avoid or minimize exposure would do so at a level commensurate with the standard work windows.