Additional Seasonal Avoidance of Vernal Pool Plant Species and Other Covered Annual and Perennial Species Beyond the Exclusion Buffer

a. For Vernal Pool Plant Species: Work within 250 feet of suitable Covered vernal pool plant habitat (e.g., vernal pools, seasonal wetlands) will be performed between June 1 and October 15 under dry site conditions to the maximum extent possible, to minimize potential adverse impacts to aquatic habitats. If any construction activities remain and must occur during the October 16 to May 31 wet period, exclusion fencing and erosion control materials will be placed around the vernal pools and other seasonal wetlands, as determined by the Qualified Biologist, to reduce sedimentation into vernal pool habitat. The fencing will provide a buffer between construction activities and the vernal pools and other seasonal wetlands. The Qualified Biologist will oversee, monitor, inspect, and maintain the exclusion fencing.

b. For Other Covered Annual Species: To avoid impacts to other Covered annual plant species, work will be timed to occur after plants have set seed and senesced, avoid soil disturbance, and avoid actions that have the potential to reduce habitat quality. This measure is not applicable to Menzies’ wallflower (a monocarpic perennial), which can live many years as a small rosette before flowering. Optimal work windows are August 1 through October 31 for Howell’s spineflower. Known occupied habitat, as it is displayed in CNDDB for Howell’s spineflower, will be avoided. If a project would occur in known occupied habitat of Howell’s spineflower species, then the Project Proponent should consult with the appropriate USFWS Field Office individually for a potential “Likely to Adversely Affect” LAA determination.