Appropriate In-Water Materials

Selection and use of gravels, cobble, boulders, and instream woody materials in streams, and other materials (e.g., oyster shells, other substrates) for reef/bed restoration will be performed to avoid and/or minimize adverse impacts to aquatic Covered Species and their habitats. On-site gravels will be screened and sorted; Gravels imported from a commercial source will be clean-washed and of appropriate size. As necessary to protect Covered Species, placement will be overseen by a Qualified Biologist; implementation timing will be determined based on the least amount of overlap (or impact on) all sensitive biological resources that may be affected, and the timing of their use of the receiving area. Imported gravel from outside the project watershed will not be from a source known to contain historical hydraulic gold mine tailings, dredger tailings, or mercury mine waste or tailings, unless the gravel is tested for mercury and other toxins. The gravel must meet low concentration thresholds and fall within acceptable limits approved by the USFWS. Materials that may foul or degrade spawning gravels (e.g., sand or soil eroding from sandbag or earthen dams) will be managed to avoid release and exposure in salmonid streams. Oyster shells or other substrates for reef/bed restoration will be cured and inspected to be free of pathogens and/or nonnative species.