Covered Species Entrapment Prevention
To prevent the accidental entrapment of Covered Species during construction, all excavated, steep-walled holes or trenches will be covered with appropriate covers (e.g., plywood, thick metal sheets, or similar materials) at the end of each workday. Covers will be placed so that trench edges are fully sealed with rock bags, sand, or other appropriate material. Alternatively, one or more escape ramps (e.g., fill dirt or wood planking) will be installed at an angle no greater than 30 degrees, to allow wildlife to escape. Before holes or trenches are filled, sealed, or collapsed, the holes or trenches will be thoroughly inspected for trapped animals. If pipes are stored on site or in associated staging areas, they will be capped when not in use or stored above ground level at an appropriate height to minimize species entrapment and will be inspected before being moved. Any animals discovered will be allowed to escape voluntarily or will be relocated by a USFWS-Approved Biologist. Additional guild- and species-specific entrapment prevention requirements are described in Section, Guild- and Species-Specific Protection Measures, and may supersede this more GPM, as applicable.