The area to be dewatered will encompass the minimum area necessary to perform construction activities. The project proponent will provide a dewatering plan with a description of the proposed dewatering structures, and appropriate types of BMPs for the installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of those structures. The period of dewatering/diversion will extend only for the minimum amount of time needed to perform the restoration activity and to allow special-status species time to leave on their own before final clearance surveys and construction can begin. Where feasible and appropriate, dewatering/diversion will occur via gravity-driven systems, and where water is pumped from within the construction area, it should be pumped to upland areas (where feasible) and to a location where it can infiltrate without return flows to the watercourse. Dewatering/diversion will be designed to avoid direct and preventable indirect mortality of fish and other aquatic species. If special-status fish species may be present in the area to be dewatered, a fish capture and relocation plan will be developed and implemented for review and approval by appropriate agencies (e.g., CDFW, NMFS, USFWS, as applicable). Stream flows will be allowed to gravity flow around or through the work site using temporary bypass pipes or culverts. Bypass pipes will be sized to accommodate, at a minimum, twice the expected construction-period flow, to not increase stream velocity, and will be placed at stream grade. Conveyance pipe outlet energy dissipaters will be installed to prevent scour and turbidity at the discharge location. When use of gravity-fed dewatering is not feasible and pumping is necessary to dewater a work site, a temporary siltation basin and/or use of silt bags may be required. Silt fences or mechanisms to avoid sediment input to the flowing channel will be installed adjacent to flowing water. Water pumped or removed from dewatered areas will be conducted in a manner that does not contribute turbidity to nearby receiving waters. Where possible, pumps will be refueled in an area well away from the stream channel. Fuel absorbent mats will be placed under the pumps while refueling. Equipment working in the stream channel or within 25 feet of a wetted channel will have a double (i.e., primary and secondary) containment system for diesel and oil fluids.
All work will comply with the CDFW Fish Screening Criteria (CDFW 2001) and NMFS Fish Screening Criteria for Anadromous Salmonids (NMFS 1997). Pump intakes will be covered with mesh per the requirements of current fish screening criteria to prevent potential entrainment of fish or other aquatic species that could not be removed from the area to be dewatered. The pump intake will be checked periodically for impingement of fish or other aquatic species. Diverted flows must be of sufficient quality and quantity, and of appropriate temperature, to support existing fish and other aquatic life both above and below the diversion. Preproject flows must be restored to the affected surface water body upon completion of work at that location. Where diversions are planned, contingency plans will be developed that include oversight for breakdowns, fueling, maintenance, leaks, etc.