Environmental Awareness Training
For projects occurring in aquatics resources (e.g., wetlands, riparian areas, etc.), prior to engaging existing or new personnel in construction activities, new construction personnel will participate in environmental awareness training conducted by an agency-approved biologist or resource specialist.* Construction personnel will be informed regarding the identification, potential presence, legal protections, avoidance and minimization measures, and applicable general protection measures for all aquatic resources with the potential to occur within or immediately adjacent to the project site. Construction personnel will be informed of the procedures to follow should aquatic resources be disturbed during construction activities. For projects where the agency-approved biologist or resource specialist is not regularly on the project site, training may be provided via online/web-based meeting with an interactive portion (e.g., web-based or in-person discussion) to be included during remote training sessions. For projects that may continue over an extended duration and require excessive training events, a training video developed under the supervision of the FWS-approved biologist or resource specialist may be used to train new personnel, as long as an FWS-approved biologist or resource specialist is available via phone to answer questions about the training or that may arise during construction.
* Agency-approve monitor refers to monitors who demonstrate qualifications and can be approved by CDFW, NMFS, and/or USFWS and accepted by approving Water Board.