Environmentally Sensitive Areas and/or Wildlife Exclusion

Where appropriate, fencing, flagging, or biological monitoring will be used to minimize disturbance to environmentally sensitive areas and Covered Species habitat. If the project site is suitable for fencing, prior to the start of construction, environmentally sensitive area fencing (ESAF) and/or Wildlife Exclusion Fencing (WEF) will be installed between the active work area(s) and any suitable terrestrial habitat where Covered Species could enter the site. When fencing is not practicable due to project size, topography, soils, or other factors, monitoring by a Qualified Biologist during construction activities can be used to minimize impacts (see GPM-005, Environmental Monitoring).

– The Qualified Biologist will determine the location of the ESAF and/or WEF prior to the start of construction.

– WEF specifications (e.g., height, installation requirement, or materials) will be determined based on the species the fencing is intended to exclude. ESAF does not require such specifications and may include flagging or monitoring (see GPM-005, Environmental Monitoring).

– The ESAF and/or WEF will remain in place throughout the duration of the construction activities and will be inspected and maintained regularly by the Qualified Biologist until completion of the project. Repairs to the ESAF and/or WEF will be made within 24 hours of discovery. The fencing will be removed only when all construction equipment is removed from the site, the area is cleared of debris and trash, and the area is returned to natural conditions.