Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Wildlife Exclusion

A combination of fencing and/or monitoring will be used to protect giant garter snake and will be implemented in coordination with the USFWS-Approved Biologist. If topography and soils of the project site are suitable for fencing, prior to the start of construction and during the active period for giant garter snakes (beginning May 1), the USFWS-Approved Biologist will determine where ESAF will be installed to protect giant garter snake habitat adjacent to the proposed project footprint. WEF will be installed around the perimeter of the work area to minimize the potential for giant garter snakes to enter the construction work area. If work extends beyond October 1 (with approval from the USFWS Field Office), the WEF will be regularly maintained to prevent giant garter snakes from entering the construction limits and using upland areas for overwintering (see GPM-7, Environmentally Sensitive Areas and/or Wildlife Exclusion). If WEF is found to be compromised, a Qualified Biologist will conduct a survey immediately preceding construction activity that occurs in designated giant garter snake habitat, or in advance of any activity that may affect other species. The Qualified Biologist will search along WEF and in pipes, culverts, and beneath equipment (e.g., vehicles or heavy equipment) before they are moved (see ASP-4, Entrapment). Monitoring can be conducted in lieu of WEF at sites where installation is not practicable (see GPM-5, Environmental Monitoring; and GPM-7, Environmentally Sensitive Areas and/or Wildlife Exclusion).