Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Wildlife Exclusion

If WEF is used (see GPM-7, Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Wildlife Exclusion for further details), the following applies:

– For the San Francisco garter snake, WEF will be established in the uplands immediately adjacent to aquatic snake habitat (e.g., waterbodies, including ponds, wetlands, and riparian areas) and extending up to 200 feet from construction activities.

– For the giant garter snake, WEF will be installed prior to the start of ground-disturbing activities and after aquatic habitat (e.g., waterbodies, including ponds, wetlands, and riparian areas) has been dewatered (if applicable).

The fencing will be inspected by a Qualified Biologist before the start of each workday and maintained by the Project Proponent until completion of the project. The fencing will be removed after all construction equipment is removed from the project site. To prevent reptiles from becoming entangled, trapped, or injured, fencing materials that include plastic or synthetic monofilament netting will not be used. Acceptable materials include natural fibers such as jute, coconut, twine, or other similar fibers.