Equipment Maintenance and Materials Storage
Vehicle traffic will be confined to existing roads and the proposed access route(s). All machinery must be in good working condition, showing no signs of fuel or oil leaks. Oil, grease, or other fluids will be washed off at designated wash stations prior to equipment entering the construction site. Inspection and evaluation for the potential for fluid leakage will be performed daily during construction. Where possible, and where it would not result in greater impact to aquatic resources, no equipment refueling, or fuel storage will take place within 100 feet of a body of water. All fuel and chemical storage, servicing, and refueling will be done in an upland staging area or other suitable location (e.g., barges) with secondary containment to prevent spills from traveling to surface water or drains. Project proponents will establish staging areas for equipment storage and maintenance, construction materials, fuels, lubricants, solvents, and other possible contaminants in coordination with resource agencies. Staging areas will have a stabilized entrance and exit and will be located in upland areas to the extent possible and at least 100 feet from bodies of water unless site-specific circumstances do not provide such a setback or would result in further damage to sensitive resources, in which case the maximum setback possible will be used. Fluids will be stored in appropriate containers with covers and properly recycled or disposed of offsite. Machinery stored on site will have pans or absorbent mats placed underneath potential leak areas as a precautionary measure to further reduce the potential for impact from an unintended or previously undetectable leak.