Erosion Control Plans

For projects that do not require coverage under an NPDES permit per WQHM-002, the Project Proponent will include appropriate BMPs, and a rain even action plan if seasonal rain during the construction period might occur, to reduce the potential 71 release of water quality pollutants to receiving waters. BMPs may include the following measures:

– Install erosion control measures, such as straw bales, silt fences, fiber rolls, or equally effective measures, at riparian areas adjacent to stream channels, drainage canals, and wetlands, as needed. Erosion control measures will be monitored during and after each storm event for effectiveness. Modifications, repairs, and improvements to erosion control measures will be made as needed to protect water quality.

– Erosion control products that include synthetic or plastic monofilament or cross-joints in the netting that are bound/stitched (e.g., straw wattles, fiber rolls, or erosion control blankets) and could trap snakes, amphibians, and other wildlife will not be used.