Exclusion Buffer Establishment

A minimum 50-foot avoidance buffer around all Covered plants or their suitable habitat to be avoided will be clearly delineated with flagging or field markers. A larger exclusion buffer may be established if determined by the Qualified Biologist to be necessary for the protection of the Covered plants. No work activity will occur within the exclusion buffer, except as permitted under Measure PLANT4, Work Restrictions in the Exclusion Buffer. Additionally, a buffer of at least 300 feet from any vernal pool, vernal pool grassland, or seasonal wetland, known Covered plants occurrence, or designated critical habitats will be established for the following:

a. staging areas of all equipment for storage, fueling, and maintenance, with hazardousmaterial-absorbent pads available in the event of a spill

b. mixing of pesticides, herbicides, or other potentially toxic chemicals

Routine maintenance activities within 250 feet of vernal pool and swale habitat will be avoided, to the maximum extent possible.