Herbicide Application, Clearing, and Ground Disturbance Near Covered Plants

If mechanical removal is not effective, or could damage sensitive habitats, limited herbicide application may occur as noted below and in accordance with GPMs VHDR-6 through VHDR-8. See also VPBR-8, Herbicide Application, Clearing, and Ground Disturbance Near Vernal Pools, for measures to protect vernal pool plants.

a. Work Near Other Covered Plant Species (Nonvernal Pool Species): To avoid impacts to other Covered Species (non-vernal pool species), the following protections will be applied:

i. Application of herbicide will occur during dry conditions, to the maximum extent practicable.

ii. Backpack and hand-held herbicide application, if applied in dry conditions, is prohibited within 5 feet of any Covered plant. Protect Covered plants from herbicide drift (e.g., cover with plastic when spraying, or use a wick applicator).

iii. Broadcast and power spray herbicide application is prohibited.

iv. Ground-disturbing activities are prohibited within 5 feet of senesced annual and perennial plants, and within 10 feet of perennial plants. Ground disturbance should occur outside of the dripline of any woody species identified for avoidance.