Herbicide Application, Clearing, and Ground Disturbance Near Vernal Pools
a. Work Near Vernal Pools During the Dry Season: A Qualified Biologist will flag or monitor all project implementation activities during the dry season (generally June 1 through October 15) within 250 feet of a vernal pool, vernal pool grassland, or seasonal wetland. The following buffers will be enforced:
i. Hand-held herbicide application is prohibited in the pool or at the edge of the pool (as determined by the Qualified Biologist and indicated by features such as hydrophilic plants and topography).
ii. Power spray herbicide application is prohibited within 100 feet of the edge of the pool.
iii. Broadcast herbicide application is prohibited within 150 feet of the edge of the pool.
b. Work Near Vernal Pools During the Wet Season: A Qualified Biologist will flag or monitor all project implementation activities during the wet season (generally October 1 through June 1) within 150 feet of a vernal pool, vernal pool grassland, or seasonal wetland. The following buffers will be enforced:
i. Hand-held herbicide application is prohibited within 25 feet of the edge of the pool (as determined by the Qualified Biologist and indicated by features such as hydrophilic plants and topography).
ii. Power spray herbicide application is prohibited within 100 feet of the edge of the pool.
iii. Broadcast herbicide application is prohibited within 150 feet of the edge of the pool. iv. Manual clearing of vegetation is prohibited at the pool or within the edge.
v. Mechanical clearing of vegetation is prohibited within 100 feet of the edge of the pool.
vi. Nonmechanical ground-disturbing activities that are conducted by hand or with hand tools are prohibited within 50 feet of the edge of the pool.