Implement Butterfly Protection Measures

The following general butterfly protection measures apply to all special-status butterfly species and their habitat, as applicable.

– Site Restrictions: Access routes, staging areas, and total project footprint within butterfly habitat will be limited to the minimum necessary to achieve the project goal.

– Biological Monitor: Biological monitoring will be overseen by an agency-approved biologist. During the adult flight season of special-status butterfly species, an agency-approved biologist will be present when construction activities occur in or within 150 feet of suitable habitat (dispersal habitat as well as areas containing the larval host plant and adult food plants).

– Environmentally Sensitive Areas: Any larval food or host plants found within 300 feet of the project footprint will be clearly marked and will be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to any ground-disturbing or vegetation removal activities, the edge of the work area near any larval food or host plants will be clearly marked to prevent workers and vehicles from entering this area.

– Dust Control: The agency-approved biologist will ensure that dust is controlled by construction personnel by periodically watering down areas within 100 feet of special-status butterfly habitat, as necessary. Watering down the construction area will prevent dirt from becoming air borne and accumulating on larval host plants and adult food source plants for special-status butterflies.