Implement California Freshwater Shrimp Measures

Implement the following measures for projects that include suitable habitat that could be occupied by California freshwater shrimp, as applicable.

– Work Window. No work is permitted during wet weather or where saturated ground conditions exist; if a 60 percent chance of a 0.5 inch of rain or more within a 24-hour period is forecast, then operations will cease until 24 hours after rain has ceased.

– Site Restrictions. New access routes requiring tree removal and grading will be limited to the extent practicable. Access routes will not be along the top of the stream bank but relatively perpendicular (45 to 90 degrees is acceptable) to the bank.

– Pre-Construction Survey. Agency-approved biologist will conduct surveys of suitable habitat in the project area for presence of the California freshwater shrimp in the work area 24 hours prior to any vegetative clearing work, dewatering, or ground-disturbing activities.

– Capture and Relocation: If California freshwater shrimp must be temporarily excluded from portions of the project area during in-water work, a project-specific capture and relocation plan must be submitted to the agency(ies) for review and approval.

– Habitat Protection: Design project to achieve no net loss of large woody debris in the active (wetted) channels. Trees may be removed for access routes for construction equipment. If trees need to be removed from other portions of the project site, willows over 3 inches in diameter at breast height will be left in place as is practicable and the canopy cover provided by hardwoods or conifers will not be reduced unless necessary for access or other unforeseen circumstance.

– Rehabilitate Disturbed Habitat: The stream bank will be planted with species which will enhance the year-round habitat value of the stream edge by providing adequate shelter, stability, complexity and food production potential for California freshwater shrimp.

– Dewatering: Minimize the potential for California freshwater shrimp to be entrained during dewatering activities. Pump intakes will be placed away from complex vegetated banks that may contain habitat for California freshwater shrimp. Screens will be used during dewatering in accordance with IWW-6, Dewatering/Diversion, following CDFW (2001) and NMFS (1997) criteria for frysized salmonids.