Native and Invasive Vegetation Removal Materials and Methods
All invasive plant species (e.g., those rated as invasive by the Cal-IPC, or local problem species) will be removed from the project site as practicable, using locally and routinely accepted management practices. Invasive plant material will be destroyed using approved protocols and disposed of at an appropriate upland disposal or compost area. Invasive plant materials stockpiled at sites known to experience flash flooding outside the flood season will be removed within 15 days of the initial creation of the stockpile, to contain the potential spread of invasive plant material. Stockpiling of invasive plant materials is prohibited during the flood seaso (typically November to April).
Nonnative Plant Removal
1. When practicable, nonnative plants will be removed when flowers or seeds are not present. If flowers or seeds are present and have the potential for seed to be widely dispersed during removal (e.g., Spanish broom [Spartium junceum] and eupatory [Ageratina adenophora]), the flowering head will be removed and placed in a container for disposal prior to removal.
2. Whenever practicable, nontarget vegetation will be protected in order to minimize the creation of exposed ground and potential for re-colonization of nonnative plants. A botanist will be consulted prior to any restoration implementation and during preparation of restoration plans.
3. Where appropriate, barriers will be installed to limit illegal off-highway vehicle activity following removal of nonnative vegetation along roadways. Examples of barriers are large rocks, soil berms, and cut vegetation.
To the extent practicable, crews in known or assumed⁵ occupied habitat for Covered Species will minimize multiple stream crossings for nonnative plant removal from both streambanks simultaneously (e.g., during a work period, an individual will conduct activities along one streambank for the entire stretch before initiating activities on the opposing bank). Stream crossings will use existing features such as bridges and boulders
to avoid boots in the water, as much as feasible.
⁵ Habitat will be assumed occupied when suitable habitat is present within the current range of the species and their absence has not been determined by a negative finding using protocol level surveys.