Nonbreeding “Wintering” Season Measures
To determine whether plovers are wintering within the Action Area a plover survey will be conducted by a USFWS-Approved Biologist within all suitable habitat in the Action Area one week prior to proposed work activities. If no plovers are detected, work may proceed without restrictions. Surveys shall be conducted weekly thereafter, and work may proceed without restrictions if plovers are not detected. If one or more plovers are detected during a weekly survey, daily pre-activity plover surveys will be started. If no plovers are detected during a daily pre-work survey, work may proceed without restrictions during that day. If plovers are detected, work will stop immediately and not begin again until a USFWS-Approved Biologist has determined that the plovers have vacated the Action Area. If no plovers are detected for 7 consecutive days, daily surveys will be replaced by weekly surveys until plovers are detected again.