Practices to Prevent Pathogen Contamination
The Project Proponent will review and implement restoration design considerations and best management practices (BMPs) to help prevent pathogen contamination, as published by the “Working Group for Phytophthoras in Native Habitats” (, when there is a risk of introduction and spread of plant pathogens in site plantings. The Project Proponent will review and implement decontamination protocols to prevent the spread of pathogens among amphibians or other aquatic animals when working in aquatic habitats that may support native amphibians. Gear and equipment that may contact water will be cleaned and decontaminated to prevent the spread of chytrid fungus, following protocols in Aquatic Invasive Species Disinfection/Decontamination Protocols (CDFW 2016, or latest version). For additional guidance related to amphibians and chytrid fungus, see AMP-4 and AMP-10.