Preconstruction Surveys
If Covered Species and/or their habitat is present, where appropriate and based on project-specific requirements, a Qualified Biologist will conduct visual preconstruction surveys and implement additional protection measures within 5 days prior to beginning work to protect the species and habitat from avoidable construction-related disturbance. The intent of the survey is to assess current species habitat and species use locations in the project area immediately prior to construction. The preconstruction survey is not intended to be a presence/absence or protocol-level survey; the potential for species presence would have already been evaluated prior to project approval. Pre-construction surveys may be phased across a construction site if construction in different areas will occur at different times; only areas where disturbance is imminent need be surveyed. If construction activities at a given location cease for more than 5 consecutive days, and there is potential for Covered Species to reoccupy habitat at that site, the Qualified Biologist will resurvey the project area prior to resuming construction and implement applicable protection measures. Additional guild- and species-specific preconstruction requirements are provided in Section, Guild- and Species-Specific Protection Measures, and may supersede this more GPM, as applicable.