Prevent Spread of Invasive Species

The spread or introduction of nonnative, invasive plant and animal species will be avoided. When practicable, nonnative invasive plants in the project areas will be removed and properly disposed of in a manner that will not promote their spread. Equipment will be cleaned of any sediment or vegetation at designated wash stations
before entering or leaving the project area, to avoid spreading pathogens or nonnative invasive species. Activities that create new habitat for nonnative invasive species will be avoided. Isolated infestations of nonnative invasive species identified in the project area will be treated with weed management methods at an appropriate time, to prevent further formation of seed and destroy viable plant parts and seed. Wash sites must be in confined areas that limit runoff to any surrounding habitat, and on a flat grade. Upland areas will use rice straw or invasive species-free local slash/mulch for erosion control; the remainder of the project area will use certified, weedfree erosion control materials. Mulch must be certified weed-free. The Project Proponent will follow the guidelines in the CDFW’s California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan (CDFW 2008) and Aquatic Invasive Species Disinfection/Decontamination Protocols (CDFW 2016). Construction supervisors and managers will be educated on weed identification and the importance of controlling and preventing the spread of invasive weeds.