Protocol Level Surveys
If northern spotted owl surveys have not been done or are not current in accordance with the 2012 Northern Spotted Owl Survey Protocol guidance (depending on activity), and surveys are planned, conduct surveys according to the 2012 Northern Spotted Owl Survey Protocol and 2019 guidelines revision and follow the seasonal restrictions described below for “Surveyed Landscape” (USFWS 2012c; USFWS 2019a). If surveys are not planned, assume occupancy by nesting owls based on the presence of suitable NRF habitat; adhere to the guidance and seasonal restrictions described below for operating in an “Unsurveyed Landscape.”
a. As an alternative to the full six-visit protocol surveys described in the 2012 Northern Spotted Owl Survey Protocol (USFWS 2012c), three surveys can be conducted in the year of action implementation if there have been two consecutive years of surveys with six visits per year in the immediately previous years. If no northern spotted owls are detected within 0.25 mile of the proposed activities, activities may proceed that year without seasonal restrictions (see ASP-5, Airborne Noise Reduction).