Relocation Activities Associated with either Method of Capture (electrofishing or seining) for Salmonids
o Salmonids shall not be overcrowded into buckets; no more than 150 0+ fish (approximately six cubic inches per young-of-the-year (0+) individuals approximately) shall be allowed per five-gallon bucket, and fewer individuals per bucket shall be allowed for larger fish.
o Every effort shall be made not to mix (0+) salmonids with larger salmonids or other potential predators. At least two containers shall be used to segregate (0+) fish from larger age classes. Larger amphibians shall be placed in the container with larger fish.
o Native salmonid predators collected and relocated during electrofishing or seining activities shall be relocated in a dispersive manner so as to not concentrate them in one area. Particular emphasis shall be placed on avoiding relocation of predators into steelhead and salmon relocation pools. To minimize predation on salmonids, relocated species shall be distributed throughout the wetted portion of the stream so as not to concentrate them in one area.
o All captured listed fish shall be relocated outside of the proposed construction site and placed in suitable habitat. Adults will be placed upstream and juveniles downstream of the construction site. Captured fish shall be placed into a pool, preferably with a depth of greater than two feet with available instream cover. Owners of the land adjacent to the relocation site shall be contacted and briefed of the activities, if at all possible.
o All captured listed fish will be processed and released prior to conducting a subsequent electrofishing or seining pass.
o All native captured fish will be allowed to recover from electrofishing before being returned to the stream. o Handling of listed fish will be minimized to the greatest degree possible. When handling is necessary, hands or nets will always be wet prior to touching fish. Fish handlers will not wear DEET-based insect repellants.
o Temporarily hold fish in cool, shaded, aerated water in a container with a lid. Provide aeration with a battery-powered external bubbler. Protect fish from jostling and noise and do not remove fish from this container until time of release.
o Place a thermometer in holding containers and, if necessary, periodically conduct partial water changes to maintain a stable water temperature. If water temperature reaches or exceeds 18 degrees Celsius, fish shall be released and rescue operations ceased.
o In cases where aquatic vertebrates are especially abundant, periodically cease capture and release them at predetermined locations to ensure individuals are not contained for lengthy amounts of time.
o Visually identify species and estimate year-classes of fishes at time of release. Record the number of fish captured. Avoid anesthetizing or measuring fish.