Revegetate Disturbed Areas
All temporarily disturbed areas will be de-compacted and seeded/planted with an assemblage of native riparian, wetland, and/or upland plant species suitable for the area. The project proponent will develop a revegetation plan, including (as applicable) a schedule; plans for grading of disturbed areas to pre-project contours; planting palette with plant species native to the project area; invasive species management; performance standards; success criteria; and maintenance requirements (e.g., watering, weeding, and replanting). Plants for revegetation will come primarily from active seeding and planting; natural recruitment may also be proposed if site conditions allow for natural recruitment to reestablish vegetation and avoid potential negative risks associated with erosion and impacts to water quality. Plants imported to the restoration areas will come from local stock, and to the extent possible, local nurseries. Only native plants (genera) will be used for restoration efforts. Certified weed-free native mixes and mulch will be used for restoration planting or seeding. Revegetation activities within and adjacent to waters of the state will commence as soon as is practicable after construction activities at a site are complete.