Revegetation Materials and Methods
Upon completion of work, site contours will be returned to preconstruction conditions or to contours specified in a Water Board-approved project design that provides enhanced biological and hydrological functions. Where disturbed, topsoil will be conserved (and watered at an appropriate frequency) for reuse during restoration to the extent practicable. Native plant species comprising a diverse community structure (plantings of both woody and herbaceous species, if both are present) that follow an agency-approved plant palette will be used for revegetation of disturbed and compacted areas, as appropriate. See also GPM15: Revegetate Disturbed Areas, which also allows for revegetation through natural recruitment (e.g., in tidal and managed wetlands and working landscapes where disturbed areas typically revegetate more quickly through natural recruitment than through seeding). Any area barren of vegetation as a result of project implementation will be restored to a natural state by mulching, seeding, planting, or other means with native trees, shrubs, willow stakes, erosion control native seed mixes, or herbaceous plant species following completion of project construction. Irrigation may also be required in order to ensure survival of containerized shrubs or trees or other vegetation, depending on rainfall. Soils that have been compacted by heavy equipment will be decompacted, as necessary, to allow for revegetation at project completion as heavy equipment exits the construction area.