Species Capture, Handling, and Translocation

Covered Species capture, handling, and translocation will only be conducted by a USFWS-Approved Biologist(s). The Project Proponent will prepare a Covered Species translocation plan to be reviewed and approved by the USFWS Field Office as part of the ESA Section 7(a)(2) Review Form. The plan will include capture and translocation methods, translocation site, and post translocation monitoring, if applicable. Additional measures are defined in Section, Guild- and Species-Specific Protection Measures. If capture, handling, and translocation are necessary due to dewatering activities, see IWW-6, Dewatering/Diversion, and follow the USFWS-Approved translocation plan. Additional guild- and species-specific capture, handling, and translocation requirements are described in Section, Guild- and Species-Specific Protection Measures, and may supersede this more GPM, as applicable.