Vegetation Removal, Other Construction Activities, and Monitoring

The following measure will be implemented to avoid and minimize effects to the salt marsh harvest mouse where construction activities would occur in suitable habitat within the current range of the species:

a. Potential adverse effects from project-related noise should be avoided or minimized to the maximum extent practicable by implementing sufficient disturbance buffers between noise-generating project activities and salt marsh harvest mouse habitat. Sufficient buffer distances can be determined in coordination with the USFWS. A Project Proponent/Action Agency may choose to submit their own analysis and buffer recommendations for the USFWS’ consideration. If sufficient buffers cannot be implemented, the proposed activities may lead to adverse effects, including possible incidental take up to the program limits provided in Table 8, Covered-Species – Mammals.

b. A USFWS-Approved Biologist will identify suitable habitat prior to initiating construction; a Qualified Biologist or USFWS-Approved Biologist will be on site during all construction activities, including vegetation removal.

c. Disturbance to suitable habitat on levees and upland areas will be minimized. Vegetation will be cleared from all areas to be excavated, and where spoils will be deposited.

d. Vegetation will be removed from the work area and within a 15-foot buffer on both sides of the work area. Vegetation removal will be conducted using handheld motorized equipment (e.g., string trimmers and fixed-blade weed trimmers) unless the project site is not conducive to clearing in this manner, in which case other methods for clearing will be proposed in the Project ESA Section 7(a)(2) Review Form. Vegetation will be cleared under the direction of the USFWS-Approved Biologist in a manner that minimizes potential to kill or injure salt marsh harvest mice (e.g., cut in multiple passes, removed systematically from one area toward another to direct retreat, or other approaches). If harvest mice are encountered during vegetation clearing or other activities, work will be halted until the individual has left the area on its own or until the USFWS-Approved Biologist walks the marsh ahead of the
vegetation clearing to try and haze the mice out; due to the difficulty with field identification of salt marsh harvest mice, this will apply to all harvest mice.

e. Cut vegetation will be immediately removed from the cleared area as it is being cut, so that no standing or cut vegetation remains in the cleared area.

f. Vegetation removal will not occur during extreme high tides (6.5 feet or higher), when mice may be seeking refuge, to allow salt marsh harvest mice to access areas for refugia.

g. Construction will commence in cleared areas no less than 48 hours after vegetation clearing is completed at each given location.

h. Construction activities will be limited to 1 hour after sunrise to 1 hour before sunset.

i. Post-construction annual disturbance to vegetation in suitable habitat will be minimized and avoided when performing long-term monitoring and management activities.

j. Not to exceed the self-imposed take limit of injury or mortality of no more than two individuals and one nest equivalent. One nest equivalent is equal to all young within the nest or four total juveniles if a nest is not found. The local USFWS Field Office and Project Proponent will work together during the ESA Section 7(a)(2) Review Form process to ensure an individual project does not adversely affect a significant portion of a population in the project area. No net loss of habitat through implementation of protection measures and/or offsetting impacts with habitat restoration or enhancement.individuals and one nest equivalent. One nest equivalent is equal to all young within the nest or four total juveniles if a nest is not found. The local USFWS Field Office and Project Proponent will work together during the ESA Section 7(a)(2) Review Form process to ensure an individual project does not adversely affect a significant portion of a population in the project area. No net loss of habitat through implementation of protection measures and/or offsetting impacts with habitat restoration or enhancement.