Work Area and Speed Limits
Construction work and materials staging will be restricted to designated work areas, routes, staging areas, temporary interior roads, or the limits of existing roadways. Prior to initiating construction or grading activities, brightly colored fencing or flagging or other practical means will be erected to demarcate the limits of the project activities, including the boundaries of designated staging areas; ingress and egress corridors; stockpile areas for spoils disposal, soil, and materials; and equipment exclusion zones. Flagging or fencing will be maintained in good repair for the duration of project activities. Vehicles will obey posted speed limits on public roadways and will limit speeds to 20 miles per hour (mph) within the project area on unpaved surfaces and unpaved roads (to reduce dust and soil erosion) or in areas where specialstatus species have the potential to occur. Speeds greater than 20 mph may be permitted in the project area where special-status species are not expected to occur (e.g., within areas from which special-status species have been excluded) and where there is no risk of generating excessive dust (e.g., surfaces are paved, saturated, or have been treated with other measures to prevent dust).