Work Restrictions in Unsurveyed Landscape

If surveys have not been completed and cannot be done, assume occupancy by nesting owls in the project area/portion of it based on the presence of suitable NRF habitat:

a. Do not conduct activities that result in loud and continuous noise above ambient levels within 0.25-mile (or 1,320 feet) of unsurveyed suitable NRF habitat between February 1 and July 9 (see ASP-5, Airborne Noise Reduction). This includes activities that generate sound levels 20 or more decibels above ambient sound levels or activities that generate maximum sound levels above 90 decibels, excluding vehicle back-up alarms. Maximum sound levels are the combined ambient and activity-generated sound levels.

b. Do not conduct any suitable habitat modification or smoke-generating activities within 0.25 mile (or 1,320 feet) of unsurveyed suitable NRF habitat between February 1 and September 15.

Suitable habitat includes northern spotted owl NRF habitat. Modification includes cutting and removal of large trees, down logs or snags. Tree or limb trimming or pruning, brush trimming or removal, and hazard tree felling may occur as long as the noise levels described above are not exceeded during the critical breeding period of February 1 through July 9.*

* Not to exceed the self-imposed take limit of no more than 18 nesting individuals harmed from disturbance per year.