Work Windows
For projects where the Yosemite toad is known or assumed to occur, construction within 1,000 feet of occupied (known or suspected) breeding habitat will begin no sooner than 15 days after the breeding habitat is dry or the last larvae has metamorphosed (typically between July 15 and September 15). Habitat condition and Yosemite toad developmental stage will be determined on a site-specific, annual basis, either by coordinating with the USFWS or others conducting Yosemite toad monitoring, or through project-specific surveys or monitoring. Occupied breeding habitat will not be dewatered while larval Yosemite toads are present.
All construction activity within 1,000 feet of occupied habitat (known or suspected) will end prior to October 1 to allow for overwintering migrations and protection of overwintering Yosemite toads. End date timing may be adjusted from October 1 to October 15, if approved in writing (e.g., email) by USFWS. Adjustment of end date timing may be based on temperatures and toad activity observed in September, during construction monitoring, and on forecasted temperatures for early October.
Not to exceed the self-imposed take limit of no more than 20 adults or juveniles injured or killed annually and no more than 10 per Field Office annually; no more than 5% of larval captures injured or killed annually. Individual projects will be designed/implemented to not adversely affect a significant portion of the population in the project area.