Work Windows
To avoid potential effects on nesting California least tern, project activity in suitable or known nesting habitat where presence has been confirmed or is presumed will occur during the species’ nonbreeding season. If breeding season avoidance is not possible, additional monitoring and avoidance measures will be proposed in the ESA Section 7(a)(2) Review Form, for review and approval by the USFWS Field Office:
– For the California least tern, project activities will be confined to October 1 through February 28 (or through February 29 in a leap year), when north of the Monterey/San Luis Obispo county line; and September 16 through March 31, when south of the Monterey/San Luis Obispo county line.*
If project construction activities occur adjacent to but not in suitable nesting habitat, project activities will be conducted during the species’ nonbreeding seasons. If nonbreeding season construction is not possible, the Project Proponent will employ a USFWS-Approved Biologist to conduct weekly surveys for California least terns.
* Extended or alternative work windows may be considered on an individual project basis with prior approval from USFWS ES, provided the Project Proponent can demonstrate that measures implemented to avoid or minimize exposure would do so at a level commensurate with the standard work windows.